Sunday 4 December 2011

Romney demands Eric Holder???s resignation (Daily Caller)

After spending months dodging the question, Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney demanded Attorney General Eric Holder?s immediate resignation or failing that for President Barack Obama to fire him because of Operation Fast and Furious.

According to the Associated Press, Romney told reporters in New Hampshire Saturday that Holder has ?brought shame? on the Justice Department through his handling of the Fast and Furious scandal.

Romney and his team have dodged questions from The Daily Caller about the scandal since early October ? when he spent more than half a minute explaining why he wouldn?t answer whether he thought Holder should resign or not. Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom?came out a couple days later and offered a conditional call for Holder?s resignation.

The Romney campaign has refused several requests from TheDC for interviews on Fast and Furious.

Romney joins former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and fifty-two Congressmen, Sens. Johnny Isakson of Georgia and James Inhofe of Oklahoma and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal in calling for Holder?s immediate resignation.

The storyline exploded earlier this week when TheDC asked Holder to respond to the calls for his resignation at a White House event on Tuesday. In response to the question, Holder lost control and verbally attacked TheDC for being one of a handful of mainstream outlets reporting on calls for his resignation.

?You guys need to ? you need to stop this,? Holder said. ?It?s not an organic thing that?s just happening. You guys are behind it.?

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