Saturday 5 January 2013

Home & Hosting:: Home Feng Shui LILY + JASPER

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Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of balancing the energies of a space. What happened to this trend? I don?t feel like I read or hear to much about it anymore or maybe its that it is so popular is goes unspoken about ? it?s just apart of the norm. I hadn?t hopped on the Feng Shui bandwagon until my boyfriend came along and turned me onto it. It really does make a difference. We have enough stressful things in life to deal with so take some time to lessen it with these helpful tips. Here are the changes we made and some of our simply Fend Shui favorites. Enjoy!

De-Clutter. This common sense principle is something we all know works without thinking too hard. Physically de-cluttering the home helps clears the mind, making us more receptive for contemplation and receiving positive energy. According to Elle D?cor.

Colors are important. The palette to embrace is one that satisfies the range of human emotion: pink and orange trigger joy; green and blue create calm; red inspires passion; black and white embody grace. Decorate with colors that please you and positive energy will flow undisrupted from your self to your abode.

Place more mirrors in the bedroom. According to Ken Lauher, Feng Shui Expert, hang mirrors around the bed to increase ?your fortune and happiness, improve communication in a relationship, and provide a sense of ?completion? to your goals?.

Think natural. When choosing furniture and decor, choose items that are made from wood, stone or metal. Feng Shui?s overall theme is ?natural,? according to Interior Design Pro.

Move away from the door. Especially in your bedroom, be sure to place your bed against a solid wall and away from the door. This creates a feeling of safety and security, according to HGTV.

Light is everything. The choice of lighting sets the tone for a room and natural lighting is your best friend. Flooding the home with early-morning light awakens the mind with a gentle reminder of the possibilities that lie ahead. Lower the lights and it will trigger the day?s end ritual of relaxation. For those that enter you home, low light emits a sense of intrigue. A bright light welcomes.


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